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# 玩家 排名 遊戲時間 活躍率 絲帶 Progress
1  reapz 4 1天 10:16時 8% The Huntsman 8%
2  companion cube DED/Bird hoovy 7 0天 22:40時 94% The Huntsman 8%
3  Domajnik g4skins 10 0天 19:30時 74% The Huntsman 8%
4  gaberTrex 12 0天 17:35時 95% The Huntsman 8%
5  Spygineer 3 0天 20:23時 66% The Huntsman 4%
6  Wit 5 1天 00:25時 94% The Huntsman 4%
7  saperak 6 0天 08:12時 75% The Huntsman 4%
8  cheesecake49 15 0天 04:25時 66% The Huntsman 4%